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Day 6 at the VKWC in St. Peter Ording

The 6th day of the Pringles Kitesurf World Cup started today with the last rounds of the Freestyle Qualifiers in difficult choppy conditions but with slightly lighter winds than previous days, allowing riders to go out on their 9 to 12m kites. The beach of St. Peter Ording was once again filled with spectators all coming together to watch the top global kiteboarders put on a performance that was nothing short of exceptional. Advancing into the Virgin Kitesurf World Championships events for the remainder of the year we have 5 riders who had previously qualified in the first trials in Dakhla at the beginning of the season; Oswald Smith (NZ/Airush), Ariel Corniel (DR/Naish), Michael Schitzhofer (AU/Best), Patrick Blanc (ES/Ozone), Jerome Cloetens (BE/North) and three newcomers; Set Teixeira (BR/Airush), Anthar Racca (MEX/Airush) and Valentin Garat (FR/Best), in the men’s division. On the women side, the four girls joining the top world kiteboarders in the Virgin Kitesurf World Championships events are Dioneia Viera (BR/GIN), Rita Arnaus (ES/Best), Therese Taabbel (DN/Cabrinha) and Kristin Oja (EE/North). All riders that managed to advance into the main event and gain their place in all the VKWC events for the rest of the season, were extremely happy, …

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