We never thought it’s so special until we can’t do it anymore.
We took it for granted and should appreciate it more.

„Most great cities in Europe have great rivers running through them. We wanted to explore a few more of those cities. Our next mini-adventure lead us to Ghent, Belgium. We parked our car in the middle of the center, walked to the canals and started paddling in the middle of this Middles Ages town.

Living in the USA now makes you realize how rich the culture and history is in Europe. In America, a 100- year-old building is old, in Europe old starts at 300 or 400 years. In Ghent, many buildings are from the 16th the or 17th century. Paddling here lets you go back to another time…“

~ Bart de Zwart feat. Franz Orsi

#starboardsup #paddleboarding #eurotrip

Source: Starboard SUP