Angezeigt: 1 - 4 von 4 ERGEBNISSEN

The Return of The Kite Tribe.

This video is all about fun, friendship and respect to mother nature. Watch good times in Martinique and Guadeloupe Islands!

Riders: Lucas Pelus, Julie Gresser, Sophie Le LOC’H, Fabien Védie, Pierre Cahagnier, Doud Reudet, Maxime Huard.


100 miles away

“100 miles away” is a movie shot in the Grenadines, that pictures this beautiful kiteboarding paradise, with its white beaches and clear blue water. Watch it and enjoy the Caribbean lifestyle!

Pond – Man it feels like spa…



“Inside” pictures 3 years of lifestyle in the Caribbean islands, documented in a 4 minute video. It is packed with oldschool and new school tricks and loads of fun in and out of the water.

Find out what is like to live and ride everywhere in the C…

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